Switching Between MWD Tags and WITS for Communication

The job templates in Mezintel Gamma software are preconfigured to understand appropriate data formats for each MWD platform / system.
So for example, if you choose the XXT Template then your job will only understand incoming MWD data in the form Tag data (i.e. qTalk):

Gamma = Value

This configuration is correct if your Mezintel Gamma PC is receiving data directly from the XXT device, but if the data is coming from an XXT PC then that data is actually WITS data.

You can quickly make the XXT-based job understand the appropriate data format at any point during the job (instead of creating a new job):

  1. Go to the Jobs List window. If you are already in a job, on the top menu, click File > RESTART – Go to Jobs Start Screen
  2. Find a set of tabs on the bottom left corner. On the General tab, from the drop-down menu select 1. MWD = WITS or QTalk
    The Change Mode of MWD Input Data window opens up
  3. Click the button applicable to your setup.

So you can change a current job either to understand ‘WITS’ or ‘qTALK’.

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